05 Feb

Drug Rehabilitation is a treatment program that is meant to find, recognize, and then treat mental addiction to illicit drugs (methamphetamine and other) without the use of actual medication. The various forms of rehabilitation are: Outpatient In this form of rehab program, the addict lives in the rehab facility and goes through a rigid medication and therapy schedule for a set period, typically 28 days. During this time, the addict maintains his or her own living situation, however does not attend facility activities. Inpatient This is another type of rehab program wherein the addict resides in the rehab facility but doesn't go to the facility but instead attends counseling sessions. He or she is under the supervision of a therapist who is specially trained in addiction. Both of these forms of programs have their own advantages and disadvantages, so carefully weigh your decision between each type.

Behavioral Health Treatment (BHRT) This form of rehab involves group therapy as well as individual counseling and medical intervention with cravings to return to drug use. It also includes skills training for the client to learn ways to deal with cravings and to overcome negative thought processes that lead to addiction. These are all combined to help the patient recover from their cravings.

Short Term Rehabilitation (STTR) This is an outpatient treatment offered by a va rehab program where the substance abuser may only be out of the hospital for a few days or the patient may only be out of the hospital for a short period of time. This is for quick fixes, especially when the person has no serious complications from their substance abuse. STTR programs are primarily residential in nature with day spas, physical therapy, and psychotherapy. It is for individuals who are looking to quickly recover from their problem and do not want to spend a long period of time in a substance rehab center. The cost of STTR programs can add up to be quite a bit of money but it is worth it because of the quick recovery and less expensive cost than other forms of treatment.

Detox (DET) - Detox is for those who have a long-term dependency on various forms of drugs and who can't seem to stop using. Withdrawal symptoms are very intense and include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, restlessness, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, among other things. This process removes all substance, chemicals, and toxins from the body and replaces them with healthy nutrients that are already in the body. Detox is meant to rid the body of any remaining substance abuse which would have previously been stored in the body. Detox may involve an extended stay in a substance rehab facility along with long-term therapy and support. There is no cure for addiction; detox is simply a means to prevent further abuse.

Psychological Treatment (PTSD) This is especially helpful for those who suffer from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) as their flashbacks and intrusive memories from their drug or alcohol abuse may keep them from functioning normally in everyday situations. This form of treatment centers on confronting the traumatic event(s) and learning coping skills, eventually leading to complete recovery and resiliency. The medications used for this form of treatment are usually in conjunction with psychotherapy sessions. However, in cases where PTSD is present, medication is not always necessary.
Individual Therapy/ Counseling - The inpatient rehab for veterans  may use individual therapy in conjunction with or instead of all of the other forms of treatment. A therapist may use CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy in which the client explores and resolves problematic thoughts and beliefs and learns new ways of thinking and dealing with issues. Counseling may also be used to help the individual work through emotions such as shame, guilt, anxiety, and depression. A 12-step program may be recommended. Get more details about drug abuse here: https://www.britannica.com/science/drug-abuse.

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